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Parental Alienation in California: An Overview of the Most Recent Court Actions

Parental Alienation in California: An Overview of the Most Recent Court Actions

Danielle A. Calise

In the tumultuous aftermath of separation or divorce, a phenomenon known as parental alienation emerges as a profound psychological strategy employed by one parent to manipulate a child's perception of the other. This issue delves deep into the emotional abuse that ensues when a parent systematically instills a sense of fear or aversion towards the other caretaker, placing the child's psychological well-being in peril. As the family courts in California grapple with these distressing cases, it has become increasingly essential to understand how such manipulative tactics not only sour the bonds between a child and an alienated parent but also foster an environment ripe for long-term emotional distress.

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Within this landscape of family strife, recent court actions in California have been pivotal in outlining the legal contours of parental alienation. The courts’ recent decisions mark critical junctures in the interpretation of this emotional abuse, examining its influence on child custody determinations and the rights of both the alienating and alienated parents. Herein, we dissect the latest legal nuances and their implications, striving to equip those affected with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of family court. With a focus on parental alienation, this article will serve as a compendium of insight into recent legislative and judicial shifts, illuminating the role of legal professionals and the evolving challenges within the specter of familial discord.

Can a parent lose custody over false allegations? Yes, this happens all the time!

The Concept of Parental Alienation

Parental alienation emerges as a sinister undercurrent in the aftermath of family disintegration, where one parent orchestrates a campaign of psychological manipulation against the other. This emotional warfare is waged through a series of calculated actions designed to erode the child's perception of the alienated parent, often resulting in the child's unwarranted fear, disrespect, or hostility towards them. The gravity of these actions is lost on the courts, as they ignore the profound impact on the child's psyche and the potential for long-term psychological harm.

    • Behavioral Shifts in Children: Often, children subjected to parental alienation will exhibit marked changes in behavior towards the alienated parent. This might manifest as an abrupt resistance to visitation or the parroting of negative sentiments, which sometimes evoke baseless accusations and overtly reject the alienated parent's affection or authority.
    • Tactics of the Alienating Parent: The alienating parent may employ various strategies to deepen the emotional chasm, such as:
      • Disparaging the other parent in the child's presence.
      • Thwarting communication efforts between the child and the alienated parent.
      • Planning activities to coincide with the other parent's visitation time, sabotaging their efforts to bond with the child.
      • Engaging in parental substitution by introducing a new partner as a replacement parental figure.
      • Fabricating false allegations to discredit the alienated parent.
  • Psychological Repercussions: The insidious nature of parental alienation can lead to a spectrum of psychological disturbances in children, from depression and self-esteem issues to the manifestation of self-destructive behaviors and suicidal ideation. It is a form of emotional abuse with the potential to disrupt a child's future interpersonal relationships and mental health, and family courts continue to fail to recognize and intervene in such cases even with the utmost gravity.

Are false allegations investigated thoroughly by the family court system? No, most often, they are ignored, putting the welfare of the children in great peril. 

Critics caution against oversimplification of complex family dynamics. The term "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS) has been met with a great deal of skepticism and even flat-out rejection that it exists, as it may not encompass the multifaceted reasons behind a child's estrangement from a parent. The "alienated child" (AC) model is proposed as an alternative, highlighting the importance of considering multiple interrelated factors contributing to the child's alienation.

In the arena of family court, the implications of parental alienation are far-reaching. Decisions made by judges can alter custody arrangements, most often ignoring parental alienation as psychological abuse. Yet, the controversy persists, with concerns about the misuse of PAS in litigation and the potential misdiagnosis of children, leading to unwarranted custody changes and further emotional turmoil.

Understanding parental alienation is crucial for those embroiled in custody disputes, as it underscores the need for a sensitive yet robust approach to protecting the child's well-being. Legal professionals should but refuse to navigate this complex terrain with a keen awareness of the psychological underpinnings and the potential for misapplication within the judicial system.


Power can be a corruptible force, especially when the very people question those in power; they are passing judgment, they are passing judgment on. 

Recent Legislative Actions

In the shadowed corridors of family court, parental alienation looms, prompting California's legislative body to enact AB1019, a beacon of hope for those ensnared in the thorny brambles of custody battles. This recent legislation, a clarion call for the protection of the child's psyche, imposes a stringent framework for addressing the emotional abuse inherent in parental alienation.

  • Consent as a Cornerstone:

    • Central to AB1019 is the mandate that courts are now prohibited from ordering a child into therapy or services aimed at addressing parental alienation without the express consent of both parents, the child, and the child’s appointed counsel. This pivotal move ensures that all parties have a voice in the child's healing process, safeguarding against unilateral decisions that may further exacerbate emotional wounds.
      • The alienating parent will not only refuse to agree to therapy, but the children also who have been alienated don't understand that intervention is necessary and wholeheartedly believe the targeted parent to be evil, harmful, abusive, negligent, and hated, and the targeted parent is left without a voice and no way to get assistance. 

  • Regulating Youth Transport:

    • AB1019 introduces a licensing and registration program for private youth transport companies. These entities, often involved in ferrying minors to reunification therapy camps, now face the scrutiny of a system designed to ensure the safety and emotional well-being of the vulnerable children in their charge.
  • Safety Measures and Penalties:

    • The bill mandates local and national criminal background checks for drivers, erecting a bulwark against potential harm by prohibiting employment of those registered on federal national sex offender websites or convicted of violent felonies.
    • Companies flouting these regulations risk incurring civil penalties, with fines ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 per transgression, a stern deterrent against negligence and malpractice in the delicate task of transporting minors.

Do legislative changes help or hinder the plight of the alienated parent? Only those in the family law profession are held accountable personally and professionally for their behavior will legislation be curative. 

As parental alienation gains prominence in the public and judicial eye, I hope California Family Code Section 3024 emerges as a sword and shield, empowering the court to intervene and implement measures to address and prevent parental alienation. The legislation reflects a growing awareness of the need for a nuanced approach to family law, where the emotional abuse of parental alienation is met with both preventive measures and remedial actions.

The enactment of AB1019, amidst the rising tide of legislative actions, signals a seismic shift in the legal landscape. It underscores the gravity with which California's courts should view the emotional abuse of parental alienation and the lengths to which they will go to protect the heart and soul of the family unit—the child.


Judicial Reactions and Adjustments

In the labyrinthine corridors of California's family courts, the specter of parental alienation casts a long shadow over child custody and visitation decisions. Armed with the gavel of justice, judges continue to ignore such machinations and are continuing to recalibrate the scales against the alienated parent. The legal ramifications are clear: engaging in the emotional abuse of parental alienation could lead to the revocation of custody or significantly limited visitation rights, and yet rarely happens. The judges are empowered to protect our children but refuse to do so. 

  • Judicial Scrutiny Intensifies:

    • Recent high-profile cases have thrust parental alienation laws under a microscope, with judicial reactions involving increased scrutiny. The courts are still not taking a closer look at the implications of these laws, particularly when abuse claims surface, ensuring that the welfare of the child remains paramount.
  • Reconciliation and Resolution:

    • In some instances, the court's response to parental alienation is to mandate reconciliation counseling or changes in custody or visitation agreements. The road to resolution is not swift, with some cases taking a minimum of two years to untangle the emotional knots. This painstaking process underscores the lack of the court's commitment to restoring familial harmony and safeguarding the child's emotional well-being.

The court's stance on parental alienation is not without its complexities. The legal landscape is dotted with cases that serve as beacons, guiding the judicial approach to these emotionally charged disputes:

  1. The Matter of Bond v. MacLeod:

    • The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, Third Department, upheld a lower court's ruling based on findings of parental alienation, setting a precedent that reverberates through the hallways of justice.
  2. Portsmouth Family Division No. 2009-806:

    • The Supreme Court of New Hampshire, in a dramatic turn of events, vacated a lower court's award of custody to a mother found to be alienating her children from their father, sending a clear message that such behavior would not be tolerated.
  3. Sanchez v. Hernandez, Sandra Sanchez Case:

    • The Court of Appeals of California, Fourth District, Division Three, emphasized that mere allegations of parental alienation are insufficient; concrete evidence is paramount to establish its existence.

Innovative legal strategies are emerging in the fight against parental alienation. A novel approach frames it as a "personal injury" case, specifically Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (IIED), where both the rejected parent and the child are viewed as injured parties. This strategy has succeeded in states like Ohio and Florida, with damages awarded up to $350,000 in Ohio and with no cap on damages in Florida. In California, the courts should be prepared to order custody or visitation changes, mandate reconciliation counseling, or require psychological evaluations to combat the scourge of parental alienation.

To prove parental alienation in the Golden State, one must have an arsenal of evidence, including witness testimonies, communication records, and professional opinions. Even with this evidence, the courts do not make such determinations and lack an understanding of the gravity of the accusations and their profound impact on the family's fabric. Leaving children and targeted parents to languish.

Implications for Custody Battles

In the crucible of California's family court, the specter of parental alienation should be the pendulum in custody battles, casting long shadows over the futures of fractured families. The implications of such emotional abuse on child custody are profound, with the courts wielding the power to reshape the very essence of parental bonds and refusing to act.

  • Evidence as the Fulcrum:

    • The gathering of evidence is paramount in proving the existence of parental alienation. A mosaic of proof is often required, including:
      • Negative Social Media Posts: Public denigrations that paint the alienated parent in an unfavorable light.
      • Professional Testimonies: Insights from therapists or counselors who have witnessed the psychological impact on the child.
      • Witness Accounts: Objective observations from individuals who can attest to the alienating behaviors.
      • Direct Communications: Texts, emails, and voicemails reveal the alienating parent's attempts to undermine the other's relationship with the child.
    • Each piece of evidence serves as a crucial thread in the tapestry of truth, painting a clearer picture for the judiciary to scrutinize and act upon.

What is ignored is that narcissistic abuse is extremely difficult to document or prove unless it includes physical abuse. Court professionals are not adequately trained and refuse to acknowledge the profound effects of emotional and verbal abuse and their repercussions on the victims for years to come. 

  • Legal Consequences of Proven Alienation:

    • When the courts are presented with irrefutable evidence of parental alienation, the ramifications for the alienating parent should be severe. The legal arsenal at the disposal of the family court includes:
      • Revised Custody Arrangements: The realignment of custody to protect the child's emotional well-being.
      • Diminished Visitation: Reducing visitation hours to curtail the alienating parent's influence.
      • Mandated Counseling: Court-ordered therapy sessions to address and ameliorate the consequences of the alienating behaviors.
      • Parenting Classes: Educational programs aimed at rehabilitating the alienating parent's approach to co-parenting.

In most cases, none of these consequences are ever meted out to the alienating parent. All of these consequences are more often served on the alienated/targeted parent, further exacerbating the abuse.


  • Combating Alienation:

    • For the alienated parent, the battle against parental alienation is fraught with emotional and legal challenges. Successful navigation requires a strategic approach characterized by the following:
      • Positive Engagement: Maintaining a constructive presence in the child's life despite the adversities.
      • Documented Evidence: Diligently recording instances of alienation to fortify one's legal standing.
      • Professional Support: Leveraging the expertise of child custody attorneys and mental health professionals.
      • Emotional Resilience: Demonstrating emotional control and perseverance in the face of alienating tactics.
      • Financial and Legal Acumen: Access to resources and a deep understanding of the court processes to ensure a fair fight.

All of these options are useless until the court recognizes that the perpetrators of the alienation are typically well-viewed, liked, and respected by their sycophants and flying monkeys, who often become the court professionals themselves. 

In the heart of family court, the child's best interests should reign supreme, and evidence of parental alienation still does not tip the scales. As the courts parse through the labyrinthine complexities of these cases, they remain blind to the insidious nature of emotional abuse, jeopardizing the sanctity of the parent-child bond. The battle to prove parental alienation is a testament to the fragility of the human spirit, and the unyielding pursuit of justice within the hallowed halls of family law demonstrates that we still have far to go.

Possible Challenges and Criticisms

Amid the myriad of complexities of family law, the specter of parental alienation haunts the corridors of California's legal system, stirring a cauldron of challenges and criticisms. As the courts weave through the intricate tapestry of child custody and emotional abuse, the path is fraught with obstacles, some insurmountable, others mere hurdles in the pursuit of justice.

  • Recent Legislation vs. Piqui's Law:
    • While Piqui's Law has become a touchstone in the discourse on parental alienation within the Golden State, it is not directly tethered to the latest legislative actions focused explicitly on this form of emotional abuse. The law passed before 2024 does not encompass the full breadth of complexities associated with the latest court actions and societal shifts in understanding parental alienation.
  • Restraining Orders – A Double-Edged Sword:
    • In the shadowed dance of alienating tactics, restraining orders emerge as a potent tool for those seeking refuge from the maelstrom of emotional or physical threats. Evidence of parental alienation can compel the courts to issue such orders, yet this remedy is not without its detractors. Critics argue that restraining orders, while protective, can also be wielded as a weapon in the arsenal of the alienating parent, further complicating the already convoluted battleground of child custody.
    • False allegations reign supreme within the family court system. Proponents on both sides of the argument claim that more training is an answer. Training is only a reasonable answer when personal biases and judges' desire to be all-powerful and stifle the victim's voice to become actionable rather than rewarded.

The challenges and criticisms orbiting parental alienation in California's family court are as diverse as they are poignant. They underscore the delicate balance between protecting the vulnerable and ensuring justice is not miscarried in the tumultuous throes of familial discord. The courts, standing as arbiters of fate, must tread a precarious path, one where every step is laden with the gravity of consequence, and every decision echoes in the lives of those entwined in the struggle against the scourge of emotional abuse.

The Role of Legal Professionals

In the tumultuous theatre of California's family court, legal professionals emerge as pivotal players in the unfolding drama of parental alienation. Their expertise should be the compass guiding alienated parents through the murky waters of custody battles, where the emotional abuse of a child and parent can subtly shift the scales of justice. Yet, more commonly, they stand as vigilant sentinels, ensuring that the shadow of manipulation eclipses the child's best interests.

  • Navigating the Legal Labyrinth:

    • Legal professionals should be adept at unearthing evidence of parental alienation, a task as delicate as it is crucial. They should meticulously modify custody orders and provide robust representation in court, ensuring that each parent's voice is heard. The child's welfare remains at the heart of all proceedings, and they don't.
    • The collaboration between legal professionals and mental health experts is critical. Together, they can unravel the child's experience, weaving a narrative supported by organized documents and expert testimony that courts can rely upon to make informed decisions. However, they are usually the professionals who refuse to aid in the documentation process and ignore and invalidate any substantive evidence demonstrated in the alienated child's behavior or personality changes. 
  • Counseling and Education:

    • Lawyers should play a dual role, not only as advocates but also as counselors, guiding alienating parents away from the destructive path of emotional manipulation. However, this doesn't happen because they feel a duty to their clients above all else, including the children. They should advise on the importance of a parenting schedule that fosters the child's relationship with both parents, promoting a balanced upbringing that is shielded from the turmoil of alienation.
  • Evolving Legal Approaches:

    • Amidst the shifting sands of family law, legal professionals, lawmakers, and judges must be called upon to review and refine their handling of parental alienation claims. This introspective journey is not merely an academic exercise but a moral imperative, ensuring that the child's best interests are not just considered but enshrined in every action taken within the hallowed walls of the courtroom.

In a perfect world, the quest to combat the specter of parental alienation, the role of legal professionals should not be merely supportive but foundational. They are the architects of strategy and the harbingers of hope for those caught in the web of emotional abuse. Their influence extends beyond the courtroom as they shape the fabric of family law to protect childhood innocence from the corrosive effects of alienation, and they are failing miserably.


As our exploration of parental alienation in California's legal system concludes, we underscore the paramount importance of safeguarding the psychological well-being of children caught in the crossfire of custody disputes. Through the scrutinized lens of judicious analysis, recent court actions and legislative measures reveal an unwavering commitment to ensure that the child's best interests are prioritized and preserved amidst the turbulent tides of separation. Then we face the courts' lack of diligence in examining evidence, and the nuanced roles of legal professionals reflect a profound ignorance of the intricacies embroiled in these emotionally charged cases.


Q: What steps should I take to demonstrate parental alienation in a California court? A: To prove parental alienation in court, you should gather and present evidence such as text messages, voicemails, or social media posts that illustrate the other parent's negative behaviors or influence on the child. Additionally, testimony from a mental health professional regarding the child's emotional state or behavioral changes can be crucial.

Q: What does the California Family Code say about parental alienation? A: The California Family Code, specifically section 3040 on Parental Alienation, states that child custody should be determined in the order of preference that best serves the child's interests, as outlined in Sections 3011 and 3020. This can include joint custody or custody to either parent, considering any parental alienation factors.

Q: How can I defend myself against accusations of parental alienation? A: If you are accused of parental alienation, you should request that the accusing parent provide specific examples of the behaviors they believe constitute alienation. Reflect on your actions to determine whether there have been instances where you might have shown disdain for the other parent, and be prepared to address these concerns.

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